Category Archives: Anti bullying

How to reduce bullying in schools

How to reduce bullying in schools

From our survey statistics on the topic of bullying, many of us have a myopic view. We tend to say, “It’s a bully problem. No, it’s a school problem. No, it’s a parent problem. No, it’s a teacher problem.” We think we know the problem because we are always looking in the same place,

New Orleans – What an amazing school

Bullying in school

I just got back from New Orleans. I was out there teaching the students about our program and the importance of speaking up. St. Christopher’s should be so proud of how their students acted at the assembly. I have been speaking on bullying in schools for over 13 years and St. Christopher’s school and students

Arizona and Houston … Here we come

Arizona and Houston

At the end of April expert Jim Jordan will be teaching students and parents about bullying and how to create a safe and motivating school environment.  We know bullying happens in every school but the biggest problem we have is so many people think everything is bullying. Our presentations teach students, teachers and parents

Stats show Bullying is getting worse in schools

Stats show Bullying is getting worse

New statistics are out showing that bullying is getting worse in schools. This doesn’t surprise me because when I first started speaking on bullying 13 years ago I would receive 5 to 10 calls a day to come and speak at their school. over the past 3 years, the amount of schools interested in having

Anti Bullying Speakers for Schools

Anti Bullying Speakers for Schools

Looking for an Anti Bullying Speakers for Schools that actually make a difference? At we offer a proactive approach to reducing bullying by focusing on education and the role of the bystanders. The biggest problem I hear from teachers is that they hear the word bullying many times a day. Students are using the

Edgartown elementary school Martha’s vineyard

I just had the great opportunity to speak at Edgartown elementary school on Martha’s vineyard. What made this event so special was the effort the school was showing to support students and parents. How many times a PTO hires us and the principal never sets foot inside the gym to see what I was speaking

Workplace Bullying Scenarios

      Workplace Bullying Scenarios – What would you do? Scenario One S/he laughed at my joke. Doesn’t that mean that it was welcome? Remember, too, that often people feel uncomfortable setting boundaries. In this example, you may laugh at the joke because it was told by another employee and you feel that they’re

Do boys and girls bully differently

        When it comes to bullying boys and girls can bully using the same actions but we do see a difference when we look at it as a whole. Boys do what we call direct bullying, this is punching, kicking, shoving, knocking books out of people’s hands, throwing things at another person.

Getting parents out to school functions

Parents at school

When offering a parenting night to educate them on certain topics we find that schools offer it less each year. They’ll have an anti-bullying parenting night and 5 parents show up. Doing hundreds of parenting nights we have found the examples below to be some of the best ways to get parents out. RAFFLES Raffles-