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Bullying it has to stop

Bullying is not just a bad dream which will be over when you wake up. It is a nightmare which will go away only if we all open our eyes to this reality and choose to look out through all the windows. School Boards, along with the State boards and Ministry of Education, must demonstrate

Ensuring that your children don’t end up as bullies

Ensuring that your children don't end up as bullies

As mentioned earlier, various studies have pointed out that parents who are not consistent in the discipline they impose on their children or who themselves resort to bullying behavior end up being poor role models for their children. Children exposed to such behavior by their parents do not learn appropriate social interaction and are not

Bullycide – Bullying Kills

Students taking their own lives because of bullying – Bullycide Very often, the victim who is being targeted and traumatized needs treatment. At times, they don’t receive the treatment they need because people in authority don’t recognize them as a victim/target or they don’t have the resources available to help this person. When this happens,

Bullying – It’s a community problem

One day two giraffes were talking.   One giraffe said to the other giraffe, “Why do we have such long necks?”  The second giraffe replied, “So we can reach the leaves at the top of trees.”   Still curious, the giraffe asked, “Why do we have such long legs?”    His fellow giraffe friend answered; “so we can

What is Bullying? Know the three indicators of Bullying

What is Bullying Know the three indicators of Bullying

What is Bullying? Not everything is bullying find out what bullying really is and the three indicators to bullying. Have Got any questions? Let us know through comments… Read More: Author: Jim Jordan

Teacher’s approach – Intervene bullying

Teachers intervene bullying: Review your own school’s policies and procedures.  The following is a general overview of multiple schools’ policies and procedures to use as a guide if you choose: A teacher’s approach to witnessing bullying }  Intervene immediately – your safety first. }  Show no emotion. }  Use professional body language. }  Don’t give

Anti bullying strategic planning for school boards

   If you decide to drive down to Ohio, what would you do? Will you just get up one fine morning, sit in the car and start driving? Or would you put thought into planning the trip? I think most of us when posed with this question will tend to pick up the second option.