Tag Archives: bullying

A new approach to reducing bullying

We at Reportbullying.com educate students to speak up to an adult if they witness bullying. For most students this can be very terrifying, wondering if they may become the next target or will their peers shun them after they hear they spoke up? With that being said I think most students feel this way because fear

Anti bullying strategic planning for school boards

   If you decide to drive down to Ohio, what would you do? Will you just get up one fine morning, sit in the car and start driving? Or would you put thought into planning the trip? I think most of us when posed with this question will tend to pick up the second option.

The Canadian Red Cross – Anti Bullying Program

Please read the following from the Ottawa Citizen… After reading please read my comments at the end. OTTAWA — On Monday, more than a year and a half after the suicide of 15-year-old Jamie Hubley, bullying was once again the topic at the late teen’s high school — but this time, the focus was hope.

Roles of the bystanders- the negative side

Bystanders of bullying: Team – Students who support the bully – Part of the “Bully Team”, but don’t initiate it themselves. Fans – Students who cheer on the bully Complacent – students who watch and say nothing or do nothing Why don’t more bystanders intervene? (Response stats from Reportbullying.com surveys 2009) They think, “It’s none