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Tag Archives: taunted

What is workplace bullying

        Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, which detrimentally affects the work environment, or leads to adverse job-related consequences for victims of harassment. In order for behavior to be considered sexual harassment, it must contain three elements. It is of a sexual nature. It

Roles of the bystanders- the negative side

Bystanders of bullying: Team – Students who support the bully – Part of the “Bully Team”, but don’t initiate it themselves. Fans – Students who cheer on the bully Complacent – students who watch and say nothing or do nothing Why don’t more bystanders intervene? (Response stats from surveys 2009) They think, “It’s none

LGBTQ – Bullying

One of the newest forms of sexual harassment involves LGBTQ (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgendered & Queers).  Young LGBTQ people may be more at-risk for bullying, taunting, harassment, physical assault, and suicide. Over a 10 year period, more than 7,000 LGBTQ middle and high school students were surveyed. The survey[1] found that: }  8 in 10