Bullying In Schools – Is There Any Solution To This Problem?

Solutions Bullying In Schools

All schools aim to maintain discipline and an ethical code of conduct on their premises. Despite a set of strict rules and regulations, many students have the courage and naughtiness within them to break those rules. One such rule breaker is bullying of classmates and juniors. Bullying is done behind the scenes while the teachers, principal, and other administration often remain unaware of the situation. Students who are shy and submissive feel afraid to complain about the situation to their parents or teachers.


Often, this problem is ignored and not much has been done to resolve it. It is important on the part of the teachers and principal to keep check that no student is bullied in or outside the school premises. It is a difficult task on the part of the parents also, to help their children tackle such a situation. Children who bully other students in school need counseling sessions by a child specialist. Such students should be told about the humiliation and insult other students went when they were bullied. When a child will get to know about other students suffering, he will not repeat it.


Being strict and giving punishments can prove to be a bad idea as it may infuriate the child and he may opt to repeat the same thing just to take out his frustration. He should be made very comfortable so that he can open himself and speak up his mind. It is very important to teach him a lesson before bullying becomes a habit in his life. It is often seen that when a child’s such act is taken lightly or they don’t get caught, they repeat it again and again, feeling superior and unafraid of the consequences. Therefore, it is important on the part of the teachers and parents to keep a track of all the activities of students.


Schools should make sure that senior students’ classes are at a distance from junior school classes and neither of them should be allowed to look down upon the other. This will make sure that seniors don’t bully junior students. New students joining the school often become a target of bullying. They should be given a boost and made confident so that they have the courage to complain to the authorities on happening of such an event. School authorities should build confidence in shy students through counseling sessions.

ReadMore: Bullying In Schools – Is There Any Solution To This Problem? - Jim Jordan