Does zero-tolerance work for anti-bullying programs

anti-bullying programs

In today’s schools, we find many elementary schools using the zero-tolerance policy when it comes to bullying. Putting a strong hand down and not tolerating bullying in any way seems like the right approach.

Parents seem to be happy that schools say no to any bullying that maybe occur at their child’s school.

So how does the zero-tolerance policy works?  Well if anyone is caught bullying another student they’re suspended from school for a certain amount of days. It may seem like the right direction to go when it comes to bullying in schools but the problem with the zero-tolerance policy is that statistics show over 20% of students over a four-year career will bully another student. What are we going to do… suspend 20% of the kids inside of the school. It just doesn’t make sense.

The key is all about education and offering a proactive solution. Suspending a child because of bullying is a reactive approach. To be proactive we need to focus on changing the culture of the school with quality character education focused on the role of the bystanders.

Bystanders cover 100% of the students. you may not be a bully or a target of bullying but you are a bystander at one time or another. Our anti-bullying program works on the proactive side of bullying by educating students to speak up and why they need to speak up. Once they speak up then we have the counselor help the bullies and victims to get them off on the right track to being productive citizens in their school and community.

That is why every time we speak at a school they want us to go to every school on their school board. You see our assemblies are extremely educational but we offer the school a full year of follow-up to keep the message going strong.  If you need any other information or pricing please contact us at 18663334553.

Anti-bullying programs by Jim Jordan(Anti-bullying program expert)