Primary Anti-Bullying

Primary Anti-Bullying Presentation

At we use EASY STEPS with the primary students- to set and reinforce a positive foundation of good behavior and friendships.

CARING for their friends, CARING for school property, and DEMONSTRATING respect for their teachers
SHARING so our relationships with friends can grow stronger
FRIENDS speak up when a friend is being hurt or disrespected by another student

Building a caring & sharing foundation in your school is just the start of making your school and community a better place to live in.

Also Read:

Private School Bullying Program

Inner City & Charter Schools Anti-Bullying Program

Inner City & Charter Schools Anti-Bullying Program


Mary Hissink, the head of Fern Hill School in Burlington, is impressed with Jordan’s skills. “Jim related well to all the students. His message of taking responsibility for our actions and showing respect for others was presented with magic, humor, and audience participation,” Hissink says. She’s especially excited about Jordan’s ability to hold students’ attention. “The students were engaged and focused throughout the presentation. Staff and students were very positive about the idea of the students taking on a proactive role in finding solutions to the problem of bullying. “He was a great motivator.”

“Jim Jordan was the best motivational speaker I have seen over my 19 plus years as a teacher. The students and staff loved him”
Sarah Tess
Elementary Teacher

Hi Jim

This past Tuesday we had our monthly PTA meeting. Ms. Scrocco gave a raving review of the assembly. She went into full detail and described to our parents how “we don’t do that in our school” and preceded to ask how everyone was “feeling”. lol!!!! After she thanked me, Ms. Scrocco mentioned how the teachers and aides we so impressed. They said it was the best assembly they have ever seen.

Thank you again. It was a pleasure to meet both of you.

Debra Catalano

Mr. Jordan, I just wanted to thank you for presenting your anti-bullying program. The response from our teachers and students has been great!
Thanks so much for your help and cooperation
Emily Luter
Seton Catholic School
Meadville Pennsylvania