Information about Bullying

What is bullying?

Bullying is generally seen as aggressive intentional behavior to control someone physically, mentally, or emotionally. Not all bullying is aggressive sometimes it’s punitive. Bullying occurs in every city, community, and school. Bullying has no barriers it affects all races and gender.

Where do they bully?

Bullies rarely bully in front of people in authority. According to our school surveys, we have found that bullying often occurs in the hallways, on the school bus, in the washrooms, on the internet, at recess, and off school property.

Bullying – Boys vs Girls

Boys – direct bullying
Girls – indirect bullying

Direct bullying is punching, kicking, knocking books out of people’s hands, and throwing things.
Indirect bullying is gossiping, exclusion, rude stares, and words to name a few.

Why do they bully?

There is no clear answer to why people bully, we just need to remember that bullying happens – unfortunately everywhere.
Communities must become proactive. Finding out about the bad behavior at an early stage allows parents/counselors/administrators to help those to become productive citizens in their communities.

Victims of Bullying

Anyone can become a victim by the same token anyone can bully.


The key is to focus on the behavior of the bystanders which reduces bullying in your school.

We offer anti-bullying character-building proactive programs for students, teachers, and parents complete with follow-up (to continually educate bystanders on their role).

For more information and pricing call Toll-free 1-866-333-4553 or email: